Shirah Mustardé with microscope in her live blood analysis clinic

Live & Dry Blood Analysis Appointment

Duration: 60 minutes    Lewes (East Sussex) clinic: £149

At the live & dry blood analysis session I will take a small drop of blood from your finger tip and place it immediately under the microscope. Your blood is then magnified 1000x and projected onto a screen. During the analysis, I scan your blood sample, observing the blood cells and the plasma to check their status and to highlight any indications.

The dry blood test follows and gives a different, but valuable perspective that adds to the overall picture of your health. It assesses inflammation, oxidative stress, toxicity, parasite activity as well as certain nutrient levels.

During the session we will discuss your health, what we see during the analysis, and any concerns you may have.

By the end of the appointment you will have a greater understanding of your blood, your health and what you need to focus on to achieve your health goals.

Blood Analysis Report

After the appointment I will create a blood analysis report for you, which will include

  • photos of the indications found in your blood, along with scores and explanations

  • my interpretation of your current state of health based on the blood analysis and your health history

  • my summary, which gives you a clear direction of what to focus on to move towards optimum health

The report and results gives you my professional opinion as to the probable/possible cause of your symptoms, highlight nutrient deficiencies, disruptions to body systems such as circulation, digestion, detoxification, hormonal systems, nervous system etc.

If you are knowledgeable about diet and nutrition you can use it to guide yourself on the path to better health. Or I can create a bespoke health plan for you.

Bespoke Nutrition Health Plan

Online or Clinic Appointment Cost: £195

Your blood analysis results and your health history information are used, along with any other tests results you may have had, to create a set of recommendations. These include

  • Nutrition - specific dietary suggestions aimed at improving symptoms and providing nutrients necessary to support your cells, organs and systems.

  • Supplements - a prescription of specific nutrients in therapeutic doses and in combinations that will give the body the resources to heal itself.

  • Naturopathic techniques - you will taught how to use “old fashioned nursing” methods to support your health. These include Epsom salt baths, castor oil packing, fasting, skin brushing and so much more. You will be given a selection of techniques to practice at home.

The health plan is actually a health manual designed for you. You can refer back to it time and time again. You can restart as often as you need to. The key is to create new, healthy daily habits.

Call Shirah on 07877746155 or email

Follow Up Blood Analysis

Duration: 60 minutes    Lewes (East Sussex) Clinic: £149

Every day that you integrate my recommendations, your blood will change. Fresh blood cells are produced, improved nutrient absorption will flood the plasma and be distributed throughout the body, nourishing cells, tissues and organs.

This stimulates fresh cell production, improves cell cleansing, organ health and regeneration of tissues.

Some health issues are more stubborn than others and so will take more time. To keep your health moving in the right direction I recommend a live and dry blood analysis every 3 to 6 months. You can track progress through the changes in your blood and adjust the recommendations. You can also navigate your way through stresses, illnesses, new symptoms or just maintain optimum health.

Ongoing Support

Duration - 30-45 minutes Lewes (East Sussex) Clinic/Phone/Online Consultations  - £65

As you follow your health plan you may experience new health symptoms or recurring old symptoms which are often a natural part of the healing process. I encourage my clients to keep in touch via email and let me know how things are progressing, but sometimes it is necessary to have more direct contact and this is can be done via phone, online or in my clinic in person.

Two million blood cells are produced by your body every second. You have endless opportunities to influence the state of our cells through diet and lifestyle.
— Shirah Mustardé